A European Project on
Human Rights and Physical Health
of Residents in Psychiatric and Social Care Institutions
Funded by
the European Commission, DG Sanco
a project funded by the European Commission

Work Package 3 "Evaluation"


The main objective of the Work Package is to provide a systematic, ongoing and integrated evaluation of the project, in order to support timely achievement of ITHACA milestones and objectives.

Overall Strategy and Methods

The evaluation process will consist of the following steps:
  1. Establishment of an evaluation plan
  2. Participation in project meetings to ensure continuous quality improvement and evaluation
  3. Continuous monitoring of the achievement of milestones
  4. Alerting of the project coordinator in any case of non-achievement
  5. Assessment the achievement of the stated general and specific objectives
  6. Retrieval of qualitative data from the coordinator and all associated partners by a web-based survey for a process evaluation
  7. Analysis of the collected data to identify barriers and success factors in the project
  8. Interim and final evaluation reports

The process evaluation is performed in three cycles. All partners are surveyed at project months 6, 12, and 18. The results of the surveys are fed back to the coordinator. An interim evaluation report will be delivered at month 24.

Responsible Partner

National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Helsinki, FI