A European Project on
Human Rights and Physical Health
of Residents in Psychiatric and Social Care Institutions
Funded by
the European Commission, DG Sanco
a project funded by the European Commission

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, Vienna, AT

The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Social Psychiatry belongs to the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft and was founded in 1977 in conjunction with the Vienna Crisis Intervention Centre.

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Mission Statement

The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Social Psychiatry (LBISP) defines its mission as
  1. carrying out research on the involvement of social factors in the pathogenesis, appearance, course and management of mental disorders, and
  2. disseminating knowledge on mental health issues in order to increase mental health literacy in general and to give advise to health and other politicians and administrators, with the ultimate aim of improving the prevention and management of mental disorders.
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Team Members

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Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Social Psychiatry
Lazarettgasse 14A-912
1090 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 406 07 55
Fax: +43 1 406 07 55-10
Email: office(at)lubis.lbg.ac.at