A European Project on Human Rights and Physical Health
of Residents in Psychiatric and Social Care Institutions
Funded by
the European Commission, DG Sanco
a project funded by the European Commission


as per 25 July 2012

Country Title
BG Annual reports 2007
BG Annual reports 2008
BG Flyer
Finland Print publication of the ITHACA toolkit in Finnish
Finland supporting instructions for site visits (in Finnish)
Finland site visit reports (in Finnish)
Finland three best practices identified by the Fiinish ITHACA Project to the national Good Practice Website database (in Finnish)
Asumispalveluyksikössä asuvan nuoren mielenterveyskuntoutujan tukeminen itsenäisyyteen ja oman elämän hallitaan
Vertaisuus - vertaisen toipumistarinalla ja vertaistukiryhmillä tukea päihdekuntoutukseen
Vierihoito aikuisten psykiatrisella osastolla
UK Service Users in Research Bulletin (Issue 14, June 2011, p. 11 f)
UK Promoting Social Inclusion and Combating Stigma for Better Mental Health and Well-being; Invited paper